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The number of questions that people can ask about the history of Israel is unlimited. However some frequently asked Questions & Answers you can find below:

  • Question: When did the history of Israel start? 

Answer: According to the Hebrew scriptures/The Bible the story started when Abraham entered the land of Israel. According to Archaeology the first mentioning of the people of Israel was found in the Berlin Pedestal and the Merneptah Stele, roughly 1300 BCE. (For more: See Israel & Judah​​

  • Question: Is true what is written in the Bible according to Archaeology?

Answer: This question cannot be answered: Many parts of what is described in the Hebrew Bible were confirmed by archaeology or parts of these stories. For example many names mentioned in the Bible, of Kings or Priests or places were found in inscriptions, letters, coins, scrolls, manuscripts found in and outside Israel.​ However most of what the Bible describes is difficult to confirm after thousands of years that have passed by. Also interpretation of what can be regarded as "divine given text to the Jews" can vary. From a Jewish perspective, for example, reading the Talmud, Mishna and other Rabbinical writings can give more valuable information. â€‹â€‹

  • Question: Are the Jews or Israelites the oldest inhabitants of the land of Israel?

Answer: No other people, for example the Canaanites lived there before as is both mentioned in the Bible as it confirmed by Archaeology. However those groups do not exist anymore after they vanished into history thousands of years ago. Jews and Samaritans are the oldest and indigenous groups of people that still exist today.

  • Question: Are the Jews or Israelites the oldest inhabitants of the land of Israel that still exist?

Answer: Yes. Jews and Samaritans are the oldest groups that still exist in the land of Israel (or Palaestina) and can be clearly identified by eating habits, language, the Hebrew Calendar, religion and by religious celebrations and architecture. After the Jews and Samaritans the Armenians and Greek Orthodox Christians are the oldest still visible groups of people that also largely maintained their culture, language and religion. Bedouin groups that maintained their nomadic lifestyle also trace their origins far back in time. 

  • ​Question: Did the Jews return to the land of Israel because of Zionism?

Answer: Yes and No: Jews lived continuously in the land of Israel and migration to and from Israel or (Palaestina) continued ever since the Babylonian Captivity and the start of Jewish communities in the Diaspora. From a religious point of view the 'return to Zion' is simply a part of Judaism and the main reason why Jews returned or migrated to Israel during thousands of years. However 'Political Zionism' started as part of the worldwide start of nationalism and start of the movement to move away from colonialism and imperialism. That movement also motivated many Jews and even Christians to move to Israel and towards selfdetermination.

  • Question: Did Jews live in Israel continuously?

Answer: Yes, According to archaeology and historical accounts Jews lived in Israel during every century since 1300 BCE until today. Often they were a majority population in the land of Israel or in certain area's or cities. However due to violence, massacres and severe oppression Jews became a smaller of larger minority. So the Jews were a small group during the time of the Crusaders and Mamluk period although the became a more prominent group around 1700 and grew even more during the late Ottoman and British Period.

  • ​​​​​Question: Are there facts that confirm that Jews live in Israel continuously since 1300 BCE?

Answer: Yes, many facts! Starting with ancient inscriptions like the Merneptah Stele and the archaeological facts that confirm the biblical King Hezekiah. More facts show for example the Jewish Hasmonean kingdoms, the Temple of Jerusalem rebuild by king Herod and hundreds of synagogues that were build between the first century BCE until today. From every century there are Jewish writings written in Hebrew or Aramaic that were found or related to the Jews living in Israel. (For more see: Writings & Manuscripts, Coins & Metals, Mosaic Art and Valuable Inscriptions )​​

  • Question: Are the Jews or Israelites indigenous from the land of Israel?

Answer: Yes. Jews and Samaritans are the oldest groups that still exist in the land of Israel (or Palaestina) and can be clearly identified by similar habits, language, calendar, religion, religious celebrations and architecture. Judaism and Jewish history developed in the Land of Israel and in the Jewish community in the diaspora. After the Jews and Samaritans the Armenians and Greek Orthodox Christians are the oldest still visible groups of people that also largely maintained their culture, language and religion. Bedouin groups that maintained their nomadic lifestyle also trace their origins far back in time. 

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